Dance Beats Cancer Show 2024

The Dance Beats Cancer show returned to the Lifecentre in May for its 6th year and it proved to be the biggest yet. 

The auditorium was packed with over 400 supporters on the night, and over £1000 was raised. 

We had a new host this year, popular radio presenter and DJ, Allan Turner Ward, who kept us entertained with his lively energy.

The atmosphere was incredible, with so much support for our performers, who were all so talented and their passion for dance shone through. Our headline act received a full house standing ovation.

Jude Feltham is a world champion tap dancer and he performed a duet with his sister Nell. They had each had a solo spot earlier in the show. But before their headline act, Jude shared the story of his own personal cancer journey and how dance helped him and his sister through it. There was a point in the film when he rang the end of treatment bell and the whole audience erupted in applause.

 It was an incredibly powerful moment to end the show. 

You can watch a video of DBC 24 show highlights here: